Open group
Open Group
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Click HereWho are we?
We are an international theater community based in Amsterdam working primarily with the works of Shakespeare. We want our players and participants to learn, grow, and have fun while doing it.
Our work
We create a safe space where you will be challenged and have fun at the same time. We provide workshops, (private) acting lessons and audition training. Our Open Group is a combination of training, Shakespeare and acting, as we work towards a theater production at the end of the year.
Why English and why Shakespeare?
Thou reader thou mayst wonder why our work
Has Shakespeare in her very central theme
The man has perished hundred years ago
Were it not better to choose something modern?
The characters in Shakespeare’s plays are vibrant
Physiological layers found in modern plays
Put veils upon emotions and ask the audience
To guess their purposes, their hopes and dreams
But Othello, Hamlet, Juliet, Richard, Shylock
Are honest and open in their love and heartbreak
And stop at nothing to fight for what they want
Well that dear reader, is a joy to play
The language Shakespeare uses in unrivalled
We can translate to Dutch, but it lacks magic
Furthermore we love the mix of many backgrounds
Our actors have, and English Theater binds them
Our community
Everyone that joins us at Park Avenue Theater loves to act and learn. We have built up a wonderful community that is always growing and ever involved. Their commitment gives the community a vibrant energy and makes sure it is a safe space for every individual person to work, grow and have a lot of fun.
Rehearsals Richelle II
Richelle II at Cometa – Amsterdam
Richelle II at Cometa – Amsterdam
Richelle II at Cometa – Amsterdam